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On 20 September 2017, Hurricane María made landfall on Puerto Rico causing unprecedented disaster. From that day onwards, the Puerto Rican multi-layered colonial, social and political context was further complicated by the traumatic acceleration of a human disaster via this natural disaster. This crystalized the urgency of using art as vehicle for (social) catharsis, a practice that continues to be used by individual artists, collectives, community organizations, art projects, and other art institutions on the island and abroad, through mural art, community paintings, art exhibitions, literature, music, and many other aesthetic expressions. This article examines, from a decolonial and critical cultural studies perspective, post-Hurricane María artistic expressions in contemporary art as decolonial aesthetics through the cathartic use of the frame of an aesthetics of disaster. It is argued that, an aesthetics of disaster aims to re-assert an artistic form that is able to accelerate the discursive nullification of a deeply rooted colonial, social and cultural problem by way of art as catharsis inspired by the way that Hurricane María unveiled these problems. The piece briefly contextualizes Puerto Rico, and it examines the idea of Puerto Rican contemporary art as catharsis. Then, it describes how Puerto Rican contemporary art exhibitions and associated aesthetic production are processing urgent post-hurricane issues through three illustrative pieces in exhibitions in PR and abroad in the United States (US). Lastly, decolonial aesthetics is reexamined and re-understood, informed by Édouard Glissant's view expressed in Poetics of Relation which aids to the conclusion that Puerto Rican contemporary art using the frame of an aesthetics of disaster functions as a powerful form of decolonial aesthetics.  相似文献   
《围城》与《历史人》都是著名校园讽刺小说.其代表人物李梅亭与霍华德·科克都是生活在动荡时期相对平静的大学校园“围城”中的高级知识分子,他们在日常生活中言与行的矛盾、表与里的抵牾,在职场生涯中道貌岸然的显性身份表象与其庸俗无聊、滑稽可笑的隐性角色扮演形成的伦理悖论,无疑具有强烈的喜剧效果和深刻的反讽性质.由于人物所处经济、政治、文化背景不同,其伦理悖论又各具特点,李梅亭身上散发出陈腐的朱熹式伪道学气息,霍华德·科克则是在激进外表下包裹着极端利己主义.李梅亭与霍华德·科克形象蕴含的伦理悖论在知识分子中具有一定典型性,其形象既为历史存照,也对今天重塑大学灵魂、重塑知识分子健全人格具有一定镜鉴意义.  相似文献   
Determinations of significance play a pivotal role in environmental impact assessments because they point decision makers to the predicted effects of an action most deserving of attention and further study. Impact predictions are always subject to uncertainty because they rely on estimates of future consequences. Yet uncertainty is often neglected or treated in a perfunctory manner as part of the characterization, evaluation, and communication of anticipated consequences and their significance. Proposals to construct fossil fuel pipelines in North America provide a highly visible example; casual treatment of how uncertainty affects significance determinations has resulted in poorly informed stakeholders, frustrated industry proponents, and inconsistent choices on the part of public decision makers. Using environmental assessments for recent pipeline proposals as examples, we highlight five ways in which uncertainty is often neglected when determining impact significance and suggest that a mix of known methods, new guidelines, and appropriate oversight could greatly improve current practices.  相似文献   
以人民为中心的思想理念拓展了传统意义上的人民概念和创造历史伟业的依靠对象。依靠人民创造历史伟业,发展生产力,提供丰富的物质财富、精神财富和生态财富。构建劳动力资本化为劳动者股份的制度安排,合理界定劳动收入和资本收入的边界,保障劳动贡献归劳动者所得,资本贡献归资本所有者所得,为人民实现美好生活需要提供制度和收入上的保障。以人民为中心的思想理念,是对《共产党宣言》的每个人自由发展思想的继承和发展,是马克思主义中国化时代化大众化的理论成果。  相似文献   
农村基层党组织是党在农村的神经末梢,也是党的路线、方针、政策的"终端"推动者和实践者。现阶段农村党组织建设面临新兴组织不断涌现与党组织作用削弱的不适应,"权力和资源缺失"与服务刚性增强的不适应,村民自治进一步发展与群众政治参与欠充分的不适应,群众诉求多样化与满足渠道单一的不适应,部分党员党性不强、意识淡化与始终保持先进性的要求不适应等问题。在加强以党支部为核心的农村基层组织建设的"莱西会议精神"指导下,全面深化农村基层党组织建设:思想上高度认识是前提,加强支部建设是核心,坚持法治、完善村民自治是重点,紧扣服务、创新制度是关键,统筹协调、综合配套是保障。  相似文献   
中共六大在探索苏维埃政权建设的过程中,更加注重工农群众主体地位的巩固和能动作用的发挥,较为系统地论述了政权建设中的群众思想。其着重从四个方面加以阐述,形成了以实现好、维护好和发展好最广大人民群众的根本利益为政权建设的根本出发点和落脚点;尊重和激发人民群众的主体创造潜能为推动政权建设的内生动力;解决好人民群众最直接、最现实、最关心的民生问题为政权建设的着力点;始终坚持群众思想、践行群众路线为政权建设的根本路线方针等为主体内容的群众思想,对当代政权建设中的群众路线实践具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
近年来,随着经济的发展和人们思想的解放,越来越多体现和平年代军队建设与军人生活的电视剧出现在荧屏上,一大批阳刚、稳重、坚韧、刚毅的军人形象受到观众喜爱。和平年代,军旅剧中的军人形象发生了许多变化,如人物身份地位普通化、性格塑造丰富化、人物生存状态真实化,这些变化更加彰显了当代军人的真实风采。然而,在军旅剧人物走向大众的同时,也呈现出人物新模式化、人物设置偏颇以及娱乐元素滥用等新问题,阻碍了军旅剧的进一步向前发展。文章结合作品对当代军旅剧中军人形象的变迁以及出现的问题进行分析,以期为后来的军旅剧创作有所启示。  相似文献   
吴秋林 《民族学刊》2018,9(6):80-85, 123-125
在人类的文化基因中,没有任何的人群能够摆脱结群这一人文进程。在现代社会里,人们结群而居的传统方式已经成为往事,居住的结群让我们“分布”到社区里,而原来结群具有的许多功能被碎片化到城市的各种馆站机构中。在结群方式上,微信群又提供了一种结群的革命方式。微信结群基本的群特征有:交流信息是微信群的第一功能,传播专业知识是微信群的第二功能;表达对于事物的意见和看法是微信的第三功能。微信结群在工业化的现代社会,也像城市里的各种馆站,碎片化地呈现了以前结群中的不同功能,把以前的结群中群体聚居分散在各种各样的结群中。这种结群一方面弥补了我们社区聚居中的缺陷,是一种结群革命,但它却进一步强化了社会陌生化的程度。  相似文献   
十九大报告中,习近平总书记提出了新时代中国特色社会主义思想这一全新命题。该命题是对马克思主义的继承和发展,是对中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信的当代诠释,为中国特色社会主义的发展、为发展中国家如何进行现代化建设开辟了新的路径。具体来说,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想有着深厚的历史意义,它不仅促进马克思主义在21世纪的复兴,为处于低谷的国际共产主义运动提供了动力,在共建中共享,为世界和平发展贡献了中国方案和中国智慧,而且开辟了现代化发展的新路向,为发展中国家如何发展提供了镜鉴。  相似文献   
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